The first thing you should do after a positive pregnancy test is to schedule an ultrasound. ABBA offers free and confidential limited obstetrical ultrasounds. In order to make a decision about your pregnancy, you will need to have an ultrasound.

What Is An Ultrasound?
Ultrasound is an imaging method that uses high-frequency sound waves to capture live images from the inside of your body. ABBA’s ultrasound technician applies a lubricating gel to your stomach and then rubs a hand-held device (transducer) on your skin. The transducer sends sound waves into your body, collects the echoes that bounce back, and sends those to a computer, which creates an image.
Why Do I Need An Ultrasound?
Limited obstetrical ultrasounds determine the viability of your pregnancy. A viable pregnancy means a fetal heartbeat is detected, and if the fetus is growing. Limited ultrasound can also show if you may have had a natural miscarriage, or if your pregnancy is ectopic. An ectopic pregnancy means the embryo implants outside the uterus. This is extremely dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.
In addition, ultrasound scanning reveals how far along your pregnancy is. If you are considering abortion, the gestational age determines whether you can have a medical or surgical abortion.
After The Ultrasound
When the ultrasound is complete, a nurse sonographer will sit down with you and discuss the results. You will know the date of conception, if a heartbeat was detected, and where your pregnancy is located. It is a lot to take in, but your personal advocate will walk through every aspect with you. You will want to learn about your options and what is involved. Talk to your advocate and share your concerns. You can trust that everything you share will be kept in strictest confidence. We are here for you.