
Four words. Who knew they could cause so much fear in the heart of a guy? “I think I’m pregnant”. Has your partner recently said those words? If so, we have some help and advice for you.

What Should I Do Now?

If you have suddenly learned you are a father, there are a number of things you should do.

  • First of all, don’t panic. You need to stick together in order to decide what to do next.
  • Verify the pregnancy. Come to ABBA, A Women’s Choice, with her. Ask that she take a free, confidential pregnancy test. Our tests are lab-quality with an accuracy rating of 99%.
  • If the test is positive, she should have a limited obstetric ultrasound. The ultrasound will tell you if the pregnancy is viable (a heartbeat is detected) and how far along she is. Knowing the date of conception will help you both.
  • Learn about your options. Our client advocates are available for free options consultations. No matter what, this should be a decision you can both agree on.
  • Listen to her feelings and share yours. Ask each other some important questions. “Are we ready to be parents?” “How do you feel about abortion?” “Would you consider making an adoption plan?” The decision can seem overwhelming, but talking it through and coming to a mutual decision is best for everyone.
  • Schedule an appointment at ABBA just to talk. Come by yourself if you would like. We want to help both of you.

You Are Important

Many men say they wish they had been a part of the decision-making process. After all, they are 50% of the equation. Without the opportunity to ask questions and learn their options, men feel helpless and deceived. You have a right to be a part of the process. Contact ABBA today and let us help you work through the process. All of our conversations are free and completely confidential.
Call (207) 253-5555 or text (207) 200-5746 today.