How Can I Recover Emotionally After An Abortion?

Are you considering abortion, or have you just gone through an abortion and are struggling emotionally? You deserve the facts, and you are not alone. If you’re not sure how to navigate your emotions after abortion, know that it’s possible to have peace again with the right support. 

The emotional effects of abortion can be serious, and women often struggle to navigate them. It’s important to be aware of the effects of abortion before making a decision.

Mental Health After Abortion

While every woman’s abortion experience is unique, there are similar mental and emotional effects that some women share. Some common mental health issues that women associate with their abortion experience include the following:

  • Relationship problems
  • Substance misuse
  • Depression
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder  (PTSD)

Mental Health History

Do you have a history of mental health struggles? Many women do. Having an abortion while already having a mental health history can put you more at risk of having increased mental health problems after an abortion. Be sure to weigh the risks. 

Speak with a medical professional before deciding on such a serious medical procedure as abortion, and be informed of the risks specific to you. 

Recovering After Abortion

Are you struggling emotionally after an abortion and aren’t sure where to turn? Asking for help is the bravest thing you could do for yourself right now. 

Start by talking with someone you trust, like a friend, mentor, or family member. Getting professional help is also essential to fully recovering emotionally.

Abortion Recovery

We offer a free and confidential abortion recovery program for women who have chosen abortion in the past. Our program, Forgiven and Set Free Abortion Recovery, is designed to bring healing and help you work through any guilt and pain. You can choose to participate in either one‐on‐one meetings or a group format. It’s completely up to you.
Contact us today to learn more about this special abortion recovery program. If you’re still on the fence about abortion, we can help you understand the facts and the risks today.

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