Abortion is a serious medical procedure. There is not only the potential for physical complications, but you may experience emotional and psychological problems too. You deserve to be fully informed before you make your decision.
Types Of Abortions
A woman’s pregnancy is divided into 3-month trimesters (12-weeks for each trimester). The type of abortion you have is determined by how far along you are in your pregnancy. In other words, abortion procedures are determined by what trimester you are in. The only way to know this information is to have an obstetrical ultrasound.

Medication/Chemical Abortion
The abortion pill, also called a medication abortion, is actually a series of two pills. You are given the first pill at the abortion clinic, and the second medication is taken 24 hours later at home. The first pill causes fetal demise, and the second pill causes your body to expel the pregnancy.
Expect to experience heavy bleeding, cramping, nausea, and possible dizziness.

Surgical Abortion
If you’re farther than nine or ten weeks along, the abortion pill won’t be an option. Because various surgical abortion procedures depend on gestational age, some are more invasive than others.
These procedures involve an injection into your uterus to induce fetal demise. Your cervix is then dilated, and a suction device is used to remove the fetus. If necessary, the abortion doctor may need to use a tool to scrape the inside of your uterus to ensure all fetal parts were removed.
These procedures cause more extreme side effects. Expect to experience heavy bleeding, painful cramping, and nausea.
Next Steps
The fact you are in an unplanned pregnancy is overwhelming. Don’t make this decision on your own. You deserve to know the facts about abortion procedures, your rights with abortion providers, and the short-term and long-term risks associated with abortion.
Visit ABBA first to confirm you are pregnant with a free pregnancy test and obstetrical ultrasound. We offer free and confidential options counseling too. We’d love to meet with you and provide support in this stressful time.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment so you can make a fully-informed decision about your unplanned pregnancy!
Abortion Recovery
Perhaps you have already experienced abortion. You understand the physical, emotional and psychological pain we are talking about. We want to support you too.
We offer a program for women who have chosen abortion in the past and now regret their decision. The program is titled, Forgiven and Set Free Abortion Recovery. It is designed to bring you healing, and set you free from the guilt and pain. You can choose to participate in either sensitive one‐on‐one meetings or a group format.
Contact us today to learn more about this special healing program.