Pregnancy and Parenting Programs

FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICES      CALL: 207-253-5555       TEXT: 207-200-5746

In addition to our medical services we also offer many programs to support a mom’s choice to parent. Just by taking part in birthing and parenting classes that help you develop or improve your parenting skills, you can earn items to help take care of your little one.  Our biggest program that mom’s get involved in is called the Earn While You Learn.  Our EWYL program is a free program that is designed to educate and support moms and moms-to-be (fathers and fathers-to-be are also welcome to attend). Client Mentors/Advocates provide up-to-date instruction in a safe and comfortable setting.  For attending class and completing interactive assignments, you can earn points to spend in our Mom’s Boutique.  Our Boutique has items such as infant and toddler clothing, blankets, bottles, diapers, wipes, bath products as well as some books on pregnancy and parenting, and so much more.  You may also “save” your points to earn larger items such as a stroller, crib or car seat.

Some of the many topics that are covered in our programs include:

  • Prenatal Nutrition
  • Your Developing Baby
  • Getting Ready for Baby
  • Bonding with your Baby
  • Newborn care
  • First Aid and safety
  • Safe and Healthy Environment
  • Happiest Baby on the Block

Ask yourself these questions to see if our Earn While You Learn program might be right for you…

  • Are you pregnant or parenting a child who is 24 months or younger?
  • Would you like to learn hands-on skills to enhance your parenting knowledge and skills?
  • Do you want to develop a parenting philosophy to guide you through your child’s first years and beyond?
  • Are you interested in having one-on-one meetings with someone who cares about your parenting success?
  • Would you like the opportunity to earn maternity and baby supplies?

Our EWYL program is not the only program we offer.  We also offer a MomCheck program.  MomCheck is a single Mom mentoring program for women with children over 12 months of age.  Experienced mothers come alongside single mothers to provide encouragement and guidance, help to set goals for her and her family (spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, physically and socially), introduce a network of other single mothers for support, and provide community resources.

Please call us at 207.253.5555 to make an appointment or talk with us about which program might be right for you!

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Read another client testimony here: Single Moms

Visit us on Facebook: ABBA Pregnancy Help

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